
03/30/25 Entering into the Promise of the Awakened Ones

3/26/25 Buddhist Cultivation - Tending the Garden of Our Minds

03/23/25 Dharma Path: Not the End of Something but the Beginning

3/19/25 Samsara or Nirvana: The Dharma Helps Us Choose

3/16/25 Parami - Reaching the Other Shore

03/12/25 Unimpeded Freedom and Ease

3/9/25 Prajna - The Highest Wisdom!

3/2/25 Transforming Consciousness Into Wisdom

2/26/25 Knowing Without Analysis

2/23/25 The Sutra on Contemplation of Amitayus

2/19/25 Mindfulness and the Four Noble Truths

Class 10 - Meditation I

Class 8 - Experience Talk

Class 5 - Moving From Language To Experience

Class 9 - Meditation I