Community ContributionsÂ
2020 Migrant Program: Heartwood partnered with Henderson County Public Schools’ Migrant Education Program (MEP) to support the educational, social, and financial needs of migrant farmworker families, children, and youth in Henderson County during the COVID-19 pandemic. Heartwood worked in conjunction with Henderson County Public School MEP and Heart of Hendersonville Immigration Task Force to donate care packages, resource donations, and financial assistance for adults and parents. Heartwood opened the campus to provide educational programs for young people ages 3-21, providing safe and socially distant spaces for children and youth to engage in fun emotional/social activities that had been lacking among this population during the pandemic. Heartwood also provided home internet access that served over 100 migratory children who lacked internet connection in migrant camps for children to engage in remote learning during the current school year.
Donations: In 2023, Heartwood Refuge donated 2200 new medical scrubs separates, 165 cloth masks, and a pallet of new toys to Samaritan’s Purse International Relief World Medical Mission program
Legacy Social Programs
Kammana Institute- Kammana Institute provided Dharma leadership education from 2014-2022 Ordinees were authorized as ministers (reverend or acharya) of the Embracing Simplicity Contemplative Order, a dual lineage.
Treasure Human Life was an incubator for social action of bearing witness to global suffering and responding with compassionate wisdom. This organization provided aid to Dalits in Tamil Nadu, India, ordained bhikkhunis in Thailand, and assisted homeless teenagers here in North Carolina to learn job skills and to finish school. Venerable Pannavati toured the US and helped other sanghas develop service programs.